Original Girl Scout Cookies

There are many stories about how the tradition of selling GS cookies first got started and just as many recipes. I’ve tried several and this one is the best tasting and easiest to make. It’s a crispy, buttery, roll out cookie that can be cut into shapes, like the famous trefoil. It’s not too sweet and I’m sure our founder would have loved having several with a cup of tea.

Original Girl Scout Cookies

We found this recipe on the internet and it claims to be the “original recipe” from 1927. We tried it for an encampment that we ran for our service unit and served them during Tea with Juliette Low. The girls loved the thin, buttery cookies and we served them with sweetened mint tea to give them a Southern, Savannah touch.

1 cup sugar

1 cup butter

About 2 eggs

A little vanilla

A little salt

3 cups flour

Chill for at least an hour. Roll out pretty thin, cut out with a cutter and put on a greased cookie sheet. Cook about 8 minutes at 350 degrees.

We can’t sell you girl scout cookies online so sharing our favorite recipes is our attempt at a virtual bake sale. Your donation will help us go to Maine to volunteer at Camp Sunshine, a camp for children with life threatening diseases and their families, this summer.

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